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Legion Will NOT Allow CBO to Reduce Disability Compensation

The DC office has received several queries from veterans in regard to CBO proposal to cut disability compensation based on income. The American Legion and VSO community would never allow such reductions to take place. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is not a deliberating body and does not make any decisions regarding veterans' benefits. They publish reports and asses the economic/fiscal impacts of certain policy decisions. They publish an annual report titled, Options for Reducing the Deficit, which are objective assessments of way to reduce the deficit and therefore the national debt. On page 54 of this report, they address changes to disability compensation (which has been included in this report for several years) but that by no means is indicative of adoption or consideration by Congress. We continue to monitor the issue and currently it is not being considered by members of congress as a realistic option. The Legion's legislative team remains engaged and will ensure staunch opposition to any policy that reduces veterans benefits or access to healthcare based on Resolution No. 187: Department of Veterans Affairs Disability Compensation voted in at the 2016 National Convention. It states, in part, that The American Legion oppose any administrative or legislative proposal to dilute or eliminate any provision of the disability compensation program. Chanin Nuntavong Executive Director The American Legion National Headquarters

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