Up to $2,000 in scholarships
Grades 9 thru 12
Anderson University in Anderson, IN
Indiana Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Academy is a week long camp that gives youth the chance to experience the law enforcement academy led by troopers from Indiana State Police.
Students will participate in CSI training, firearms simulators, squad car simulator, K-9 handling, and explosive ordinance robot training.
"To be the best you have to learn from the best"
How to participate
Registration opens February 2025
The Indiana Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Academy is a partnership between the Indiana Troopers Youth Services and The American Legion, Dept. of Indiana. The academy provides first-hand experiences and insight into the operations of law enforcement agencies and also affords these highly motivated young people an opportunity to consider law enforcement as a potential career choice.
“If this program changes one life, keeps one at-risk youth off the streets and out of a body bag if it redirects one Hoosier youth life from negative to positive, we believe it’s worth it,” said committee member Mark Gullion.
Registration is open to boys and girls currently in grades 9 thru 12. The cost to attend camp is $400 per Cadet, however, the cadet only has to pay $50, as $350 of this fee is covered by The American Legion, Department of Indiana posts. Participants must have transportation to and from camp, which is held at Anderson University in Anderson, Indiana.
“The American Legion believes that our youth have a strong sense of patriotism and a high regard for Law and Order, said Gullion. “The objective of IYCLEA Camp is to provide a first-hand look at the role of a police officer in today’s society.”
Program takes place on June 22-28, 2025 at Anderson University.
For more registration information contact Sgt. Tumey at 317-951-3882 with the Indiana State Police. For more program information contact Wendy McGinness at 317-630-1301.