Up to $500 in scholarships
JROTC Cadet of the Year VanHooks Scholarship
The American Legion is a strong supporter of Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) programs across the country.
During the 2000 Spring Meetings, the Legion's National Executive Committee passed Resolution No. 20, which encourages Legion departments to establish Outstanding JROTC Cadet of the Year programs.
How to participate
Who Can Participate?
Student must be a member of a Indiana high school approved JROTC unit.
Only one student from each high school JROTC unit will be accepted. The Senior Military Instructor is responsible for choosing the cadet to receive the application.
Each year, the Department of Indiana awards one JROTC Cadet of the Year with a $500 scholarship.
Contact Wendy McGinness at wmcginness@indianalegion.org or call 317-630-1301.