Americanism & Government Test
$2,500 in scholarships
Grades 7, 8, 10, 11, 12
The Americanism & Government Test program was started in the Department of Indiana in 1984. More than 6,000 students participated in the A&G Test last year. The American Legion Americanism & Government Test is approved by the Division of Student Activities of the Indiana Secondary School Administrators. Testing takes place during the month of November.
Senior A&G Program
Grade 12 - 2 $250 Scholarships
Grade 11 - 2 $250 Scholarships
Grade 10 - 2 $250 Scholarships
Senior Program
The Americanism & Government Test is to be given in participating high schools during the month of November as the American Education Week falls on the first full week prior to Thanksgiving. The test is open to all students in grades 10, 11 and 12 in all public, home schooled, private and parochial high schools. Find order forms and tools below.
​Awards: There will be 6 State Winners in the Americanism & Government Test program; one boy and one girl in each of grades 10, 11, and 12. Winners will be selected by a Department judging panel. Each State Winner will receive a $250 scholarship and will be invited to Spring conference.
Junior Program
Junior A&G Program
Grade 8 - 2 $250 Scholarships
Grade 7 - 2 $250 Scholarships
​This program is open to any student in the 7th and 8th grade in any public, private, and parochial school within the State of Indiana. At the post level, officials will grade all test papers and select two students from each grade as local winners.
The winning test papers are forwarded to the District Americanism and Government Test Chairperson who will select the District’s 7th and 8th grade winners. The District winners are then forwarded to the Department Headquarters, to be considered for selection as a state level winner.
​Awards: There are a total of 4 state winners selected by the Americanism and Government Committee of The American Legion Department of Indiana. Each Junior Americanism and Government winner will receive a $250 scholarship and be invited to Spring conference.
How to participate
For further information, please contact your post, district, or the Department Chair for the Americanism & Government Test Program or contact Wendy McGinness, Program Director at (317) 630-1301 or wmcginness@indianalegion.org. ​The Americanism and Government Test Program is sponsored by The American Legion Department of Indiana and your local Legion post.