$388 million paid to Hoosier vets last year alone through free VA claims processing and advocacy by the Indiana Legion Veterans Services Office.
$171,000 in emergency grants and funds provided to veterans and their families by the Indiana Legion.
$270,000 given in scholarships to Indiana high school students every year by the Indiana Legion.​
11,000 hours of volunteer service provided by Legionnaires to their local communities.
American values taught through in-school education programs

(Click portrait to download hi-res photo)
Robert "Rob" Burkhart of Alexandria, Indiana was elected Commander of the over 60-000-member Indiana American Legion by acclimation in the closing session of the 105th annual Department Convention on July 13, 2024 in Indianapolis.
Burkhart, a 33-year member of The American Legion, is a Lebanon/Grenada Era veteran who served in in the United States Army and as a reserve component member of the United States Army Reserve and Indiana National Guard retiring at the rank of First Sergeant in 2013 with 32 years of total military service including overseas service in Germany, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Haiti.
A member of Alexander Bright American Legion Post 87 in Alexandria, Indiana, Commander Burkhart has held the position of both Post Commander and Adjutant. He has served terms as Commander and Adjutant of Indiana’s Fifth District.
Commander Burkhart has served in a variety of positions at the Department level including Internal Affairs Commission Chair and Department Northern Vice-Commander. On the American Legion National level, he has been appointed to serve on the Americanism Council since 2022. He is a graduate of the Department American Legion College, a member of ANAVICUS, a dual member of the SAL, and a life member of the AMVETS, DAV, and VFW.
He and his wife Suzie have been married for 36 years. Together they raised their son, Donovan. They have two grandchildren, Axel and Allen, both soon to be SAL members. He served as a state employee serving in the Department of Correction, the Indiana Office of Technology, and the Indiana State Police retiring earlier this spring with 23 years of service.
Commander Burkhart’s slogan is “Moving Forward” and the main goal of his 2024-2025 Commander's Project is to increase awareness and participation in Indiana Legion Programs. He believes our Youth Programs are our future and are instrumental in maintaining ourselves as pillars of our communities. These programs not only develop our future leaders but also function to continue reversing the membership decline of the past few years.

Kenny Cooper
National Executive Committee

James Timpe
Northern Vice-Commander

Roger Clark
Southern Vice-Commander

Judy Pearson
Membership Chair
Joe Bumbleburg
Judge Advocate
Norris Keirn
Department Chaplain

Tommy Penson Jr.
1st District Commander
Cecil Brummett
3rd District Commander

Michelle Amick
5th District Commander

Jesse Brown
7th District Commander

Kevin Thomasson
9th District Commander

Daniel Cunningham
11th District Commander
Terry Smith
NEC Alternate

Richie King Sr.
Northern Vice-Commander

John Klepfer
Southern Vice-Commander

J. David Burnette
Hugh Dagley
Asst. Judge Advocate

Clifton Morlan
Department Historian

Kimberly Pulsipher
2nd District Commander

Jesse Booker
4th District Commander

Tim McMahan
6th District Commander

Rocky Baize
8th District Commander

Chris Helms
10th District Commander