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Membership Reports Guide provides reports for American Legion post and Sons of The American Legion squadron adjutants and commanders through My Groups, which is the administrative side of

There are three tabs under “My Views” on the left-hand navigation bar where reports can be accessed: Consolidated Post Reports, View Members and Reports/Labels.

Consolidated Reports. Only post and squadron adjutants have access to Consolidated Post Reports and Consolidated Squadron Reports. Consolidated reports are not available year round – this report is closed June 30 each year. Once available, this report can be updated throughout the reporting year until finalized. Reports submitted from 2020 and 2021 can be viewed in this area at anytime.

View Members. To view a member record, email members or create a listing, go to View Members. This listing displays the last paid year and contact information. To view more information about a member, or make updates, click on the member’s name to open more detailed information. The detail listing in View Members includes data for current membership year, minus two. Using the search and filter tools, this listing allows you to create a roster, expired, undeliverable and deceased listing from one location. Deceased membership is for the last two paid years. To process membership renewals, add members and transfer paying members click on Add/Modify Transmittal.

Reports/Labels. This area contains the Membership Roster and other reports. The current report area includes the most used reports for managing members, revitalization and communications.

Inside Reports/Labels you will find:

- Post/Squadron Current Roster. Membership roster includes status, paid year, contact information, war conflict, continuous membership years, branch of service and membership type. Begin creating the roster by entering the Group value, last paid year, and mailing status and View Report. Using the filter options allows you to customize your roster to recognize expired and undeliverable members. Save or print the roster using the export icon.

- Find Members in My Area. This listing provides an opportunity to create a list of headquarters post members for a revitalization effort. This report provides contact information for members in your headquarters post only within a designated area defined by ZIP code. When using this report, the ZIP code must be entered first. This report is sorted alphabetically, includes contact information on file at National Headquarters, and can be exported to save or print using the export icon.

- Member Online Renewals. This report identifies members that renewed online and provides date range parameters. Using the small calendar icons, select the date range and View Report. Once the report generates, it includes all online transmittals. The amount paid defines if the member paid online or if the post submitted through’s online membership processing.

- 3x10 Post Mailing Labels. Create mailing labels on a 30-sheet format. This feature is only available for posts at this time. Using the report wizard, select Last Paid Year and sort type and “View Report” to generate. Complete by exporting the labels to PDF using the export icon to print.

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